Sabtu, 25 Januari 2020

Describe Miss Lia

From : Naufal Abda Aizar
To : Miss Lia

Assalamualaikum w.w
I would like to describe about Miss Lia based my own opinion. When I met you at first I was immediately convinced if you are is an English lecture similar to other English teachers who have taught me, always charming, low smiles then of course cool and not old-fashioned. You are really kind person who always helping the students when in trouble and understand the condition.

The way you teaching is so interesting, different from the other. Often make a group discussion and wrap it in attractive practice. That thing make the student more communicative and more used to teamwork. One thing that maybe I hate is about picking absence number randomly hahaha these thing make me feel in trouble lol, I guess not only me but most of my friend feel the same thing J  however that is good idea to make us better prepared.

Not only a lecturer but you are also motivator for us, your life and your achievements really make me amazed. Your tips and tricks to face the future is appropriate, hope someday I can realize your advice. Thank you Miss Lia for being a patient and kind lecturer for our class. Success for you success for us, wish us luck in this UAS and so on. May Allah bless you in every minute, see you Miss Lia.
Wassalamualaikum w.w

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